Thursday, January 15, 2009

Send me your descriptions.

Pascal here! Alright, for any one who wants to join the Alley Cats Gang, please e-mail me a description of your (fictional, or based on an actual cat.) cat, and maybe a picture, or link to one. E-mail me here.

Over and out!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let's Get Started!

Well, Here I am, das voundarbar Pascal! I bet you were expecting me to say Nathaniel. Well, this is not Nathaniel's blog, this blog belongs to the Alley Cats Gang! Well, let me walk you through what this blog is.

This is the posts from the gang of cats, called the Alley Cats Gang. See, there are cat gangs all over the city here in Spoon Valley. Yes, that is our town's name, just don't ask. Anyways, you have your minor gangs, like the Ripper Gang, and then you have the biggest gangs in town, like the Blaze Gang, or the Skull Gang. But we aren't the territorial type like them. Our gang isn't violent like the rest. We're the misfit cats for any of the gangs. We're kind of like nerds, who just want to hang out, maybe cause some mischief. We're the simple ones.

But getting serious, we have a few other cats here. Let's see, there's Tuxedo, a sort of leader to us. Pure black cat with bright green eyes. His hair is a little long, and ragged, but he doesn't seemed bothered by it. He's a little too serious, but he can be a bit of fun. He is formally a member of the Skull Gang, but he left, and became a stray cat, until he brought us together. Red Coat, or Red. His owner is a history buff, which kind of explains the name. He has a coat that is so red it's almost scarlet, but he has a white chest, paws, and muzzle. He's a fighter, because he is freaking huge, and nobody you want to mess around with too much, but Tuxedo has clawed his butt more than once. Then Rose, who was travelling around with a sixteen year old girl, and her little brother, until they found a family willing to take them in, now she's an Alley Cat too. She has a light brown coat, with darker flecks, and yellow eyes. Shes smallish, but really fast. Then we have Basho, the kitten. She's really jumpy, and hyper. She's a white fluff ball, with sky blue eyes. We sometimes call her tumble, because she is constantly falling on her face, and because we can't use any worse words in front of her, because she's a kitten.

That's everyone so far. Oh, except for me. I'm Pascal, I'm a gray tabby with green eyes. OH! I also have a white dot under my left eye, don't know how it got there. But other than that, we live near the downtown area, on Spork Hill road. (Yes, I know, Spoon Valley, Spork Hill road.) We normally head to the downtown alleys to do whatever it is we do, but we do spend a lot of time in Rose's yard. (Catnip plant there, Basho has no idea.) So, that's the basics.

(On a less cat based level, welcome to the Alley Cats blog. I'm accepting anyone who wants to write. Just send me your cat profile at . I'll put up the sheet soon. Basically, you just post in blog, or journal style posts as your fictional cat, in the Alley Cat's gang, on any interesting things. If you could include a cat picture that would help. I put in the extra cats so you could play around with them in your posts. If your going to include another cat that belongs to somebody else, could you please let them know first, and make sure that you get them on character. If your proposal is refused, don't add them in your post. Other than that, New stuff will be on the way.)

Over and out!
